Monday, February 11, 2013

God at Work!

Thank you for visiting our blog! It is fun to look at your comments on Facebook! We appreciate all the prayers & encouragement we have received from so many people. God has answered your prayers!

Dennis became ill around the 15th of January and tested negative for malaria. We thought he had a sinus infection so he began taking an antibiotic for that but it did not help. He went to the doctor on January 18th & again tested negative for malaria, but the doctor started him on malaria medication & he was better in a few days. Two weeks later he had the same symptoms & again tested negative for malaria. We went to a doctor we trusted & he prescribed that Dennis take Quinine for a week. Quinine is a very strong drug which causes loss of appetite, ringing in the ears & low blood sugar, but is very effective against malaria. Dennis had a rough week.  He finished the medication Saturday. Today he was able to work at Calo Me Lare all day. We praise God!

Your prayers have sustained us through this time. We had a couple of reminders in one day of God’s promise to us in Genesis 28:15, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

On January 19th the children went to be with their guardians for a week. This might be an elderly grandparent, aunt, uncle or sibling. Four of the children chose not to go, so we tried to plan special activities for them. We took them to the market in Lira. Our social worker, Irene, went with us to translate. Back at CML, Dennis rigged up a Slip’n Slide from a long sheet of plastic which they use for building. He sprayed it with a water hose as the kids slid down it. They had so much fun!!! After the other children returned from their guardians’ homes they all begged Dennis to do it again. This was a great thing to do in the hot weather. We have a video but it would not download to the blog. Our Community Group supports Harriet; she stayed  at the orphanage during guardian week. Here is a cut picture of her. Isn't she beautiful?!

The weather is hot and dry now. Our temperature gauge shows around 90-92 degrees every day. Being close to the equator makes it feel warmer. There will probably be another 40 days of hot, dry weather before it starts to rain. It has been interesting how the trees lose their leaves from the dry weather. The grass looks like it does in July in Oklahoma. BUT our mango trees have been blooming and are beginning to get small mangoes, smaller than marbles now.

Connie Becker was with us during the month of January, gathering information for the school. A pastor friend of ours from Mbale, Fred Musunga, visited us this weekend. It was God’s perfect timing because he preached in Dennis’ place Sunday, when Dennis was not strong enough to do that. We have really enjoyed our house guests and are looking forward to more in March. It is fun helping them experience life in Uganda. If you would like to experience that, join one of our teams & come on over. We'd love to have you!

Again, what would we do without our family & friends who are praying for us. We love you all!

Dennis & Margie