Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to our Uganda Home!

Lira, Uganda is a great place to live although it is much different from America. We are feeling quite at home since we have lived here before. Our transition time was minimal.

We arrived in Uganda on Thursday, September 7; traveled to Lira on Saturday, and moved into our house the following Monday and Tuesday.

Living room - larger table is coming!
This is where we are living. We feel blessed to have such a nice house. It is well-guarded with friendly people. There are 10 2-bedroom units in this complex. The night guard for the complex is standing on the right. We found curtains in town that make the rooms look homey. We are still waiting for our tables to be built. As you can see, this one is a little short. We have two bedrooms, so come for a visit!
Our front porch.

Guest room - bed will come.

Our bathroom is tiled and very nice except it has no mirror and no water heater. Oh well, it’s Uganda! Most days a cold shower feels pretty good!

Our bedroom.
The kitchen.

The kitchen is small but it smells of home cooking. Most cabinets have no shelves, so we have purchased quite a few baskets and containers to accommodate our needs. The kitchen has very high shelves, so it is not made for women. Oh well, Dennis enjoys helping in the kitchen.

The closets in this area consist of a piece of wood nailed to the wall with hooks on them to hang clothing. Therefore, we don’t need wall decorations. J We are waiting for our clothes rack.

This young lady helped me with cleaning and laundry today. We are thanking God for her. She was recommended by a friend and she was delightful! She looks like a teenager but she 23 years old. She had to drop out of school for lack of school fees, but I know God has a special purpose for her.

As you can see, we have settled in pretty well with the exception of the furniture being made.
Our days have been busy, welcoming the children into the homes after their break between school terms. Dennis has been working with the Director on financial issues and Margie has been working with the auditor. We thank God for sending us at just the right time. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
The Lord has shown up in so many ways already and we look forward to what He will do during our time in Uganda. We appreciate all the prayers being offered in our behalf.
We will try to communicate with monthly blogposts. Thank you again for visiting ours.

Special Tribute to Joyce Cribbet

Welcome to our blog! We are thankful that you took the time to read about our experiences in Uganda.

We left Uganda in July of 2015 and really did not know at that time if we would return for a long period of time again or if we would only take part in short-term mission trips. But God has called us to return, this time for three months. This photo was actually taken last year, but we use the same pink suitcase every time.

At this time I (Margie) would like to pay special tribute to my sister Joyce Cribbet, who went to be with the Lord in April of this year. She always provided at least monthly updates on our family back home. (My sister Kathy is doing this now and we are so thankful). Joyce was one of our faithful Prayer Warriors. I was saddened that Joyce would not be around to pray for us this year. You see, we recognize that we are in God’s capable hands, but that He works in response to prayer. This year God was so good to show me in many ways that she is still part of this trip and I know she is in heaven now praying for us along with many who went before her. This is a photo of Joyce and her husband Butch. You can see she was always full of life and love!

Carol Wells,a dear friend who is part of our Community Group at Discovery Bible Fellowship has offered and given us transportation to the airport one almost every trip to Uganda. Carol and Dennis loaded our baggage in her van as I did the final inspection to make sure we had included everything. When I arrived at the van Carol handed me an envelope and said, “This is from Joyce.” You can imagine my surprise!!!

Now, the explanation: My sister Joyce and her husband Butch owned a hardware store in Collinsville. One day shortly before Dennis and I left on one of our trips to Uganda, Carol was in the store with me. Joyce told me that she was sorry she could not be at the airport to “see us off” as she was slipping some cash in my hand, “for things you may need while traveling or something you see that you want to buy for yourself.” Carol took note of that and that’s why she gave me the money in Joyce’s name. (What a sweet reminder from the Lord)!

After arriving in Uganda we stayed in Entebbe one night. Due to extra shopping and business in Kampala we stayed an extra night. Everything was fine until we awoke at 3am to a familiar, high-pitched sound we immediately recognized. A mosquito was under our net! The net was made with a slit in one area for easy entry. . We had closed it at bedtime, but our blanket had pushed the slit apart. Dennis put his hand near where the mosquito landed, I swatted it from outside the net, and that mosquito was “a goner”. Neither of us was bitten. Dennis said he could hold it shut the rest of the night in case there were more, but how could he sleep like that? Then I remembered the safety pins Joyce sent the first year we came to Uganda. I had used 2 or 3 in the 4 years we ventured back and forth. Those pins did the trick and we have not seen or heard a mosquito since!!!

We want to thank all of our faithful Prayer Warriors. Without your prayers our efforts are fruitless and ministry is ineffective. “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints.” (Colossians 1:3-4). May God pour His abundant blessings on you because of your prayers and support!