Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Videos of Uganda


Thanks to our Community Group we have been taking a few videos in Uganda. Keep in mind these are unedited videos, but you deserve to see a little of Uganda “on the move”. Before we left home our Community Group gave us this wonderful video camera, and we have just now learned how to share the videos on our blog. As they would say here, "Be blessed as you see some of life in Uganda."

This first video is the street we drive down every day that we go to the orphanage, Calo Me Lare. Note that driving is on the left side of the road. There are many speed bumps to regulate traffic, but that is about it. The rule of the road is “The largest vehicle has the right-of-way.” So we are fortunate to be driving a van.

This video is the children of CML welcoming the first team who came in July this summer. The song they are singing is “Welcome to Lira”. Every time a team comes they greet them at the gate & sing all the way up the driveway walking toward the Administration Building. Then the entire staff & kids perform for the team. They also did this for us when we arrived & Andy & Cami when they returned from their furlough in the U.S.

In this video the kids are performing one of the local dances for the team. The staff also performs. They dress up in costume while wearing their Project Hope Worldwide shirts. It is very interesting and colorful!
October 9th marked the 50th year of Uganda’s independence. You might be interested in reading online the prayer President Museveni prayed that day. (Google Museveni's 50th Anniversary Prayer if you are interested). It would be well for other nations to follow his lead in recognizing who God is and humbly repenting as a nation. Because it was the half-century mark the local leaders took part in a huge celebration in Kampala, the capitol. October 19th was the day set aside for local cities to celebrate. Some of the kids from Calo Me Lare took part in this by marching in the parade.
Another small team is coming on November 4. We are very excited about this because our daughter, Evie, will be a team member. Pastor Derk Madden, PHW President, Kelley Compton who operates the PHW Office, and Rachel Dunnaway from Oregon (staying for a year) will complete the team.
We plan to be home with family and friends during the month of December and return in January for several months.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Our prayer & support team is awesome! We thank God for you and pray for you.

Dennis & Margie

Sunday, October 7, 2012

New Church for Bungabunga

We appreciate each one of you and your interest in our blog. More than that, we are so thankful for your prayers!!! God has blessed us immensely by the prayers of His people.

We are excited that a new church will soon be built at Calo Me Lare (pronounced Chah’-low Me Laaaah’ree. I always wondered about that before we came). The name of the church is Bungabunga (pronounced Boongaboonga) Bible Fellowship. The groundskeepers have been clearing tree stumps. We think this is James.

Some of the construction workers have been getting the ground ready, which included taking out a sizeable termite hill. The church will be located to the left just inside the entrance gate. This will be a great addition to the orphanage grounds and a wide open welcome to the church for the people in the community.

We went for a walk today hoping to find the mowing of the Lira Golf course in action…and we were not disappointed. This is the way it is mowed every afternoon. I hope you enjoy the pictures below.
We just don’t know how to get a set of golf clubs here to play on this lovely course. Dennis has heard – word of mouth – that there are actual holes on this course. We cannot verify this, but we did not spend much time there. Another golf course photo...
For those of you who planted flowers/shrubbery at the school this summer… the plants are doing well and this is what they look like.

Next Sunday we will begin Adult Bible Study Classes before the Prayer and Worship Services. Dennis is working hard finding materials for two teachers to use for preparation each week. We have found some online resources but hope to find more. We are starting with a New Believers’ Class and a Discipleship Class. Praise God for the opportunities He provides to serve Him.

We now have 8 new children at CML and there are more on the way this week. We hope to fill the two new homes with 8 more children, making a total of 16 children soon. We will try to post some of their pictures on the next blog.
This beautiful red-flowered tree with the banana trees in front of it stands out in splendor. It is on the last part of our drive to CML. Uganda affords many opportunities to see God's creation and to stand in awe of Him who created everything! He is totally worthy of all our praise!!! To Him alone be all the glory He deserves!

We are praying for you as you pray for us.

Dennis & Margie