Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Uganda 2014

The Lord has done so much for me; I cannot tell it all,
I cannot tell it all, I cannot tell it all,
The Lord has done so much for me; I cannot tell it all,
I cannot tell it all.

This is a song the people sing in the village where we serve in Uganda. We feel that way. God has really blessed our ministry in Uganda these past seven months. We have been blessed with opportunities to disciple kids and adults, good health and energy to serve Him and a great group of missionaries in Lira for mutual encouragement. We are just so thankful for those who welcomed us with open arms as we returned. We are so grateful to all of you who have prayed for us and supported us. Your prayers have been answered and we praise God. 

Dennis is pictured here with some of the kids we work with. Mentoring kids was mainly done by just spending time with them. We taught Character First to the staff on Mondays…the teachers taught it to the kids…the whole staff worked on living it out and helping the kids live it.

Sunday was our biggest ministry day. We taught a Mentorship Class on Sunday afternoons at 4pm. We explored six scriptures each week together with the class. It was fun for us to dig deeply into each verse, trying to anticipate the questions we would be asked - questions revealing the great differences in their culture and ours. We went through a series of 30 topics. Dennis group finished 24 lessons, whereas the women finished 22 lessons before we left. Since then the remaining lessons were finished, taught                                                                                         by Pastor Fred Musungu, his wife Moreen                                                                                     & Grace, who was Margie’s translator.

One highlight of the women’s classes was our friend, Nastanzia, who came each week & is totally blind. She has a great sense of humor and demonstrated a lot of faith as she walked down the road each week being led by her very young grandson. Most of the village men & women do not speak English.

The September team gave us a Prayer Seminar during the normal Bible Study time. It was wonderful! It was a great encouragement to everyone in our Bible Study groups. As the team shared their life stories of how God worked through prayer the people connected with them. Most of our church members came up for prayer at the end of the session. It was our joy to be part of that prayer team. Five teams from the U.S. visited this year. Team members are a great encouragement to the kids, staff and us personally. Praise God for calling people to serve in that way. Here we are eating with our hands during the lunch that day.

In August we helped teach a marriage seminar, which God really used in the village to change the lives of the people. On the first day it was to begin at 9:00am. One couple came and waited until noon when others began arriving.

We spent quite a bit of time with Pastor Fred Musungu & his wife Moreen. They are a lovely pastoral couple. This picture was taken at a lodge less than two hours away where we went to enjoy God's creation, have lunch, see the animals and the Nile River.

We arrived home on October 28th. Some long-time friends have a great one-bedroom house adjoining theirs, which is so nice! Sari and our family had stocked the kitchen and the other rooms with everything we need. We are so thankful to them and to the Lord.

We plan to return early next year but the date is uncertain. “Thank you” to our wonderful prayer partners. We value your prayers so much. Please ask God together with us to send others to Uganda who will love and care for the kids, the house moms, and the church.

We volunteer with Project Hope Worldwide. If you would like to know more about this vital ministry, or if you would like to support in prayer, please visit


Dennis & Margie Baltzer